ENEC Wins Two Awards for Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility


The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) has won two awards related to its Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. Representatives of ENEC’s Sustainability and CSR Working Group attended the awards ceremonies to receive the award for “Best Sustainability Report” for the development and publication of the annual ENEC Sustainability Report in 2016 at the Sustainable Business Leadership Awards hosted by the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group (ADSG), and supported by the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD), and the award for “Best Workplace and HR Practices” at the Gulf Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards.

The Sustainable Business Leadership Awards, is a regional award and recognition scheme that is designed to celebrate best practice in sustainability and to raise awareness about the benefits of sustainable management practices for organizations. The awards are administered by the ADSG, an initiative of the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi.

The Gulf Sustainability and CSR Awards provide recognition for companies and individuals implementing outstanding sustainability and CSR initiatives across the GCC region. The awards are run by Awards International in partnership with government bodies, institutes and universities, making this one of the leading sustainability award programs in the region.

The recognition these Awards provide is testament to ENEC’s continued commitment to excellence in sustainability. In 2017, ENEC was recognized as one of five United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Pioneers in the UAE for its contribution to ‘People Development’. ENEC also became the second organization in the UAE to achieve a two-star rating from the EFQM Committed to Sustainability assessment.

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