Registered Suppliers

Click Here to Access the Supplier Portal

The ENEC Enterprise Supplier Registration process is centralized through the ENEC Commercial Directory system. The Directory provides a single online location where suppliers can register with ENEC and its subsidiary companies in a fast and efficient manner to be able to:

  • Work with ENEC, Nawah Energy Company and Barakah One Company
  • Update supplier company profile
  • Receive automated expiry reminders of trade related certificates
  • Receive communications from the Supplier Relationship Management team
  • When invited, respond to prequalifications (RFIs) and tenders (RFQs)
  • Create and submit invoices; and
  • When invited, respond to supplier satisfaction surveys.

ENEC Enterprise values its relationships with suppliers and therefore we encourage suppliers to maintain their company profile with the latest details through an annual update.

Guidelines for Suppliers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

ENEC Supplier Library:

Guides and Reference Documents:



For more information on Business Continuity Management expectations, please use the following documents from the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA):

If you wish to contact the ENEC Procurement/Supplier Relationship Management, please click here.

Potential fraudulent and/or misconduct activities can be reported through one of the whistleblowing channels. For more information, please visit Ethics Point on the ENEC website.