Business Continuity and Resilience Policy
1.1 Executive Management of “the Enterprise” (Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, Nawah Energy Company and Barakah One Company) is committed to ensuring the continuity of operation of its critical business functions through the implementation of policies, processes, procedures, and plans in order to identify the risk of business disruption and to mitigate that risk.
1.2 This commitment is met through the provision of Business Continuity Services by Nawah to the Enterprise in accordance with the Omnibus Written Instruction (dated May 27, 2020) to the Plant Services Agreement (dated October 20, 2016).
1.3 The provision of Business Continuity Services by Nawah involves development, maintenance, and implementation of each entity’s capability to continue delivery of the products and services required to meet its business continuity objectives during a disruption.
1.4 The Nawah Energy Company CEO is the owner of this Policy, which will be reviewed and assessed annually.
1.5 The Nawah CEO shall ensure compliance with this Policy through management oversight by elements within Enterprise Legal and Management Systems organizations.
2.1 Purpose
2.1.1 The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Enterprise maintains performance, meets government and stakeholder expectations, and provides continuity of prioritized activities following business disruptions resulting from incidents, emergencies, crisis and disasters.
2.1.2 The policy also ensures compliance with AE/SCNS/NCEMA 7000:2021, Business Continuity Management System (Specifications).
2.2 Scope
2.2.1 This policy applies to all aspects of the Enterprise (the people, processes, operations, facilities, suppliers, technology, information, legal, regulatory requirements and reputation).
2.2.2 This policy operates in conjunction with Emergency Preparedness for Barakah NPP events.
3.1 This policy applies to all Enterprise business activities, employees, contractors, and suppliers, where applicable.