
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and its joint venture operating and maintenance subsidiary Nawah Energy Company are committed to ensuring the highest standards of nuclear quality and safety throughout construction, commissioning and operations and maintenance of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant.

Both ENEC and Nawah utilize a strategy to procure services and manpower from highly performing international companies to provide services under the leadership of the signing company.

The information below sets out the types of agreement that ENEC and Nawah have entered into:

Type of Agreement


Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation

Prime Contract

Signed in 2009 between ENEC and Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the Prime Contract covers the full scope of work for the construction and operation of the Barakah plant up to Substantial Completion.

Nawah Energy Company

Early Operations Support Agreement (EOSA) & Operational Support Services Agreement (OSSA)

Signed in 2016 between Nawah and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP), the EOSA and OSSA allows Nawah access to experienced nuclear professionals from KHNP on a secondment basis

Prior to Substantial Completion, resources are available through the EOSA with the OSSA effective at Substantial Completion.

Long Term Engineering Agreement (LTEA)

Signed in 2018 between Nawah and Korea Electric Power Corporation Engineering & Construction (KEPCO E&C), the LTEA provides Nawah access to on-site engineering personnel and on-site and off-site engineering services.

Long Term Maintenance Services Agreement (LTMSA)

Signed in 2019 between Nawah and KHNP and supported by Korea Plant Service & Engineering (KPS), the LTMSA provides Nawah access to qualified manpower, supervision and management under the leadership of Nawah’s operations and maintenance organization. In addition, the LTMSA provides maintenance services for routine and outage maintenance activities of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant.

Maintenance Service Agreement

Signed in 2019 between Nawah and Doosan Heavy Industries (DHI), the Maintenance Service Agreement is one of the components of the established framework for providing access to qualified manpower, supervision and management under the leadership of Nawah’s operations and maintenance organization, as well as providing maintenance services to support routine and outage maintenance activities.

Long Term Support Agreement(s) (LTSA)

LTSAs are a series of framework agreements with other operators that allow Nawah to request a range of services from established international nuclear power plant operators. Multiple agreements exist with a number of international suppliers.


In addition to these commercial contracts, ENEC has entered into a number of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) agreements with global companies and countries of responsible nations in order to enhance knowledge sharing, research and innovation to support the advancement of the global nuclear industry. These non-commercial agreements vary in duration and scope.